1. Start here
    1. Welcome
    2. Specifications
    3. General background info about SW/HW
    4. Assemble the HW
    5. Install SW
    1. Campaigns
      1. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 1
      2. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 2
    2. Use it
      1. Success stories
      2. Get support
    3. Sponsoring
      1. Become a sponsor
    4. Contribute
      1. Build Firmware
      2. contributing code
      3. images .. documentation

Firmware Build


https://github.com/gnubee-git/gnubee-openwrt (branch master, with official kernel from Soc vendor, Debian-compatible scripts)

https://gogs.librecmc.org/ldpinney/GnuBee-libreCMC (updated kernel, LibreCMC distribution)




Commands after source retrieval

######## GIT #########

git pull && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a

######## BUILD ########

make menuconfig

make -j1 V=s download

ionice -c 3 nice -n 19 make -j1 V=s | tee build.log

######## CLEAN ########

make dirclean

make target/linux/clean