1. Start here
    1. Welcome
    2. Specifications
    3. General background info about SW/HW
    4. Assemble the HW
    5. Install SW
    1. Campaigns
      1. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 1
      2. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 2
    2. Use it
      1. Success stories
      2. Get support
    3. Sponsoring
      1. Become a sponsor
    4. Contribute
      1. Build Firmware
      2. contributing code
      3. images .. documentation



It should not be hard to spot errors or missing items in our documentation. If you know how to fill them, please let us know. These web pages are in the gh-pages branch of [https://github.com/ngiger/GnuBee_Docs]. Pull requests will be considered.

Art work

We would be happy to have some nice artwork to add to our home page or design ideas for future products.


There a lot of projects which are useful for the the GnuBee Personal Cloud. Therefore just try to ensure that the SW you use/like/need most, runs fine on the GnuBee, too.

Ideas/Contributions via new useful programs are surely also welcome.