1. Start here
    1. Welcome
    2. Specifications
    3. General background info about SW/HW
    4. Assemble the HW
    5. Install SW
    1. Campaigns
      1. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 1
      2. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 2
    2. Use it
      1. Success stories
      2. Get support
    3. Sponsoring
      1. Become a sponsor
    4. Contribute
      1. Build Firmware
      2. contributing code
      3. images .. documentation


Where to get support

Ask a question on GnuBee group

The Google group GnuBee is here to answer question, discuss problem and ideas.

Open an issue

Before opening a new issue via https://github.com/gnubee-git/GnuBee_Docs/issues, please have a look at the wiki and whether there is a closed issue which answers your question.

Explore the Wiki

The wiki on githun contains some how-tos and other useful information. If you solve a problem yourself, consider writing about your solution there.